74% of pupils entered for GCSE History achieved a Grade 4 or above with 30% achieving at least a Grade 6

 (GCSE results 2022)

‘Success means going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.’ Winston Churchill

We women suffragists have a great mission – the greatest mission the world has ever known. It is to free half the human race, and through that freedom to save the rest.’ Emmeline Pankhurst

History helps us to understand people and societies, as well as learning from the past so that we create a better life for future generations. History also provides us with identity and means we can develop into good citizens.


Mr T Woolgar – Head of Humanities 

Mrs K Gupta- Deputy subject lead for Humanities

Miss S Ormsby- Teacher of History

Mrs C Nicholls- Teacher of History

Mrs C McDonagh- Teacher of Humanities

Miss C Constantinou- Teacher of History


At Key Stage 3, students are assessed in line with the marking policy (every 3 weeks.) This entails exam questions that link directly to the exam board (Edexcel), and have mark schemes that students can become familiar with. This is always in the form of extended writing. For summative assessment, students will answer exam papers on a cumulative basis, covering all topics up to that point so far. This helps with recall and prompts them to remember previous learning. This prepares students well for KS4.

At Key Stage 4, students are assessed in line with the marking policy (every 3 weeks,) but in between there will be more focus on types of exam questions and this will also be built into homework tasks that students need to complete. Exam questions in some cases are set every week to get students used to the level of challenge and difficulty.

The course:

2022 History curriculum model

At GCSE students will follow the Edexcel specification. They will assessed on the skills and knowledge acquired through the following units of study:


Thematic study and historic environment

Written examination: 1hr and 15 minutes

30% of the qualification

Content overview

Medicine through time – c1250 to present.

We study a thematic study of Medicine in Britain c1250 to present and a study of a historic environment – the British sector of the Western Front 1914-18: injuries, treatment and the trenches.


Period study and British depth study

Written examination: 1hr and 45 minutes 40% of the qualification

Content overview

We will study the following British depth study: Henry VIII and his Ministers We will study the following period study:

The Cold War 1945-1991


Modern depth study written examination: 1hr and 20 minutes, 30% of the qualification, Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-39.

We teach student how to use historical sources to reach their own opinions of events.

Websites/ Useful Links:

Pearson online


GCSE Bitesize


Seneca learning