At Holy Trinity, we believe that uniform is extremely important. We pride ourselves on our uniform and work to apply our rules on uniform fairly for all our pupils.

School uniform helps to promote equality, prepare students for the world of work, reduce bullying and allow pupils to concentrate on their learning.  With this in mind, we have included our full uniform list and would also like to draw your attention to the following.

School uniform:

It is expected at Holy Trinity that all pupils will proudly wear the uniform and observe our standards and rules.

Black blazer with Holy Trinity Catholic School badge.

Holy Trinity Catholic School tie visible at all times.

Black V-neck jumper.

Plain white shirt tucked in at all times.

Black full length trousers (no jeans or leggings)

Knee length black skirt, which is A-line or pleated (no stretchy material)

Dark socks (boys) plain black tights (girls)

Appropriate school coat (no fashion jackets eg. Denim or leather or Gillets/body warmers)

Appropriate plain black footwear (further clarification below)


Appropriate plain black footwear with no logos or trim must be worn at all times. Another important factor is to ensure that they are weather and season appropriate, as well as smart, practical and wholly black with no heels.

PE kit:

Holy Trinity polo shirt with school logo.

Rugby top (boys) fleece (girls) with school logo.


School blue shorts with white stripe & Holy Trinity socks


School navy tracksuit bottoms


Headscarves are to be plain and black in colour. It is important that the Holy Trinity Catholic School tie is fully visible when the headscarf is worn.

School bags/equipment

Pupils need a substantial school bag to carry their planners, books and equipment to school each day. Handbags or pouches are not permitted.

Pupils should also ensure that they have their school planner and a clear pencil case, which contains a black/blue pen, rubber, pencil, green pen and ruler.

Personal appearance

We are always conscious of health and safety risks to both the owner and others in the wearing of jewellery. Therefore, apart from wristwatches, no jewellery is to be worn in school.

Piercings during term time are not acceptable and students will be asked to remove them immediately.

Make-up is not allowed in Years 7, 8 & 9, but in Years 10 & 11 should be discreetly used and not be excessive. Nail varnish, Fake nails or fake eye lashes are not permitted.

Hairstyles should be practical, clean and safe. Tramlines or patterns shaves into the hair or eyebrows is not permitted. Hair dyed in extreme colours is not permitted.

In order to support our standards with regards to personal appearance, we request that if your child is to have a piercing/false nails/hair dyed, that this must occur at the beginning of the holidays to allow jewellery/nails/dye to be removed in time for their return to school.

Hair accessories must be discrete and plain black.

Hoods must not be worn indoors.

Hats/caps may not be worn.

Hoodies must not be worn.

Bandanas must not be worn or displayed.

Other than a shirt and school jumper, no other clothing should be worn underneath the school blazer.

Our leadership reserve the right to exert professional judgement if a pupils’ uniform is deemed a danger to themselves or others or it contravenes the school’s ethos.