Holy Trinity Catholic School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff to share this commitment.

Holy Trinity Catholic School follows the requirements of Birmingham Local Authority for safer recruitment in accordance with the School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009 for the safe and legal employment of people to work in school and Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022 

The Governing Body is fully committed to the welfare of children and young people in its care. It recognises fully that the legal requirements for recruiting and employing people to work in the school include provisions specifically to protect children from harm and that following these provisions is an essential part of its duty of care. It also recognises that the legal requirements for checking prospective employees’ right to work in the UK protect those responsible for recruitment from fines and infringing the law.  As such we have a rigorous and robust process to ensure that all safer recruitment checks and fully implemented at all levels of recruitment to ensure that our students are kept safe at all times.

The safer recruitment policy is to be read and understood in line with other additional safeguarding policies, including safeguarding and child protection polices, along side attendance, anti bullying, behaviour and health and safety and whistle blowing policies.

Changes since the ratification by the Governing Body to the Model Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy for Schools and Education Services can be found here.

If you have any concerns regarding the safety of your child or any child, then please contact J Daw (Deputy Head Teacher and Designated Senior Lead for Safeguarding) who can be reached via the main office or the Heads PA G McLeish (GMcLeish@holytrc.bham.sch.uk).

Named safeguarding leads – Do not hesitate to contact if you have a concern.

Further information:

Staff Code of Conduct

Mental Health Policy

Useful websites linking to Children’s mental health

Child on child Abuse: Promoting and Ensuring Equality and Respect

E-Safety information for Parents and Carers


2022 – Statement regarding our partnership with West Midlands Police

Holy Trinity Catholic School is committed to keeping our students safe, both in school and the wider community. As part of our safeguarding arrangements, we have a two-way information sharing agreement in place with West Midlands Police.  The agreement is compliant with Crime & Disorder Act 1998, Data Protection Act 2018 – 2021 Update and United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation (UK-GDPR); and focuses on preventing young people from becoming involved, or further involved, in crime and anti-social behaviour, as either a victim or offender. If you have any queries about the partnership policy, please contact Deputy Head Teacher, Mrs Daw.